Again I apologize for my infrequent and delayed posts; I'm trying to catch up and be more frequent, I just seem a little lazy about it.
Anyway, so on April 21 Diane and I went down to Redondo Beach (south of LAX) for a crawfish boil with the Texas exes. Not being one to eat or want to eat crawfish, or jambalaya, I was stuck eating two nasty hotdogs. So in order to get some of my money's worth I partook in the keg of shiner. However, even a keg of shiner wasn't enough to salvage the event which turned out to be rather boring. Basically we just sat around and ate, then watched the raffel and of course they were playing our moment of glory dvd from the Rose Bowl, which seems to be a common fixture at all of the Texas exes events out here.
We decided to leave the event a little early as there didn't seem to be any hope of it turning around. On our way out of the parking lot I noticed the Redondo beach pier, having always had a fondness for piers and having never been to Redondo beach I decided perhaps we could salvage the day by visiting the pier and making our drive down there worth it.
At first it was mostly your typical touristy souvenir shops, but then at the base of the pier we came across a type of large indoor arcade. Naturally we went inside to see what it was all about. We quickly started finding random tickets that people had either dropped or forgotten to take from the machines. It then became a type of game for us to walk around and see what tickets we could find. Then we came across the skeeball games and decided to partake in those as well as a game of air hockey. With the tickets gained from the games and from the ones we found I was lucky enough to trade them in for a brand new red Redondo beach key chain! Diane got herself a shiny new picture frame with her tickets and a little charm (she didn't have enough tickets for her picture frame).
After all this excitement we realized we still needed to see the rest of the pier. We walked out on the pier, stopped and played a few minutes in a hat shop, took some pictures with the ocean behind us and finally decided to call it a day.
All in all I'd say the day was salvaged, although Redondo beach was pretty unimpressive and I have no intention of returning, and I've come to the conclusion that the Texas exes chapter out here is pretty boring. But hey I gave it a try and at least now I can say I've been to Redondo beach.
Here are some pictures to document our fun at the pier:

Enjoying the lovely view

Who's that girl?

Hello Ms. Daisy

Hello there

Yee Haw!