So just before leaving for Barbados I went and saw the Da Vinci Code. I found it to be a pretty good movie and thought they did a great job at sticking to the book. I don't think it'll be much of a classic but I think it had a tough job of living up to the hype of the book and I thought it did a good job of living up to the hype as much as could be expected. I was very pleased at seeing Audrey Tautou in an English speaking role as I've always thought she was just adorable and I look forward to seeing her in more American films.
I do have to express my disgust with the people in the theater or should I say morons in the theater who decided to clap after Teabag had his line "never trust the French". It's not that I want to defend the French, it just drives me crazy that people clapped for something like that because I bet they have no basis at all for supporting a line like that. They just do it because it bashes the French and they're morons.
Anyway, if anyone else has seen the movie do share your comments on it as I haven't been able to hear anyone elses opinions with the exception of a few.