The dinner was great, we were 13 in all, we had several courses and it lasted for hours. Afterwards everyone exchanged presents and they were even nice enough to have given me two boxes of chocolate. The entire night didn't end until almost 4 a.m. and that even included the grandparents!
One other difference I noticed is that they don't do stockings here. Kind of sad in my opinion, but oh well.
Well below are a few of the pics I managed to take. Unfortunately I didn't get any big group ones or anything.
Here I am with my friend and hostess Elodie.

The grandparents.

Here is Elodie with her tree that her mother and her decorated. I think it's still a relatively new thing to actually decorate the tree here in France.

Here is the star of the night, Elodie's nephew Ryan who is 4. We all watched him open all of his presents and then proclaim after each one that Santa made a mistake because he didn't ask for that. Then he put everyone to work on putting all of his toys together while he played with what he could. A little too demanding but he was cute nonetheless.

And well that was my Christmas this year. Can't wait to see where I find myself next year.