Well today was my official first day at my new job and as I sat there this morning filling out my tax forms I realized this would actually be the first time I'm having to pay taxes (sort of) and that I'm actually going to have to file come this spring. This of course then makes me realize that I've officially entered the real world and while I'm happy to finally be working and contributing to society it's kind of odd to think that I've just taken the first step into what will be the next stage of my life, where I'm no longer a student but a working adult. And well honestly it kind of frightens me when I think of how long this stage is going to last (well hopefully it lasts a long time). No more summer vacations (although those were gone last year)and classes three days a week, but work Monday thru Friday for the next 40-50 years. I guess there's still the excitement of where my career will take me, I do look forward to that, but my restless side gets uncomfortable thinking that I'll be working for the rest of my life basically but I guess that's not even necessarily true so I shouldn't really think about it but it still creeps in from time to time. I think what most saddens me is the thought that my vacation opportunities are now very limited and well we all know how much I like my traveling and don't like to have those opportunities limited.
So my hope now is to one day be able to take a year off and travel around, perhaps choose a continent to explore, perhaps do a couple of different continents, not sure yet, but I've heard of people doing it so I figure if they can certainly I can too. So the first step is to get my loans paid off then to save enough and make a plan for a years worth of travel, perhaps that would help satisfy my travel bug, although I doubt it would for the long haul.
Well for now I guess I'll concentrate on my current situation and focus on starting my career. Who knows where it'll lead me...
It is kind of depressing when you first start your job, but hopefully it is something you enjoy! By the way where are you working? Fill me in on all the details!!!
Who can take a year off of work, still get paid, and still have their job when they return? That's a sweet setup, if it really exists. One girl that I used to work with, who was with the company for 7 years, took a 3 week vaca to Europe.....but I've never heard of taking a year.
Oh you silly billy, I meant that I'd take a year off work, not a year of vacation from a job. And I didn't mention trying to get paid during that year. Man that would be awesome though, although rather stupid on the companies part.
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